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Why do we teach TSSE?


Naval ship design encompasses many diverse disciplines in Engineering. Although it is next to impossible to create individuals who are experts in every field of the underlying engineering disciplines, it is very doable to create a body of engineers who collectively are the experts we need. Through the blending of the fundamental engineering disciplines and the overarching theme of naval ship systems, we believe that we can achieve our goal. Read on to see how TSSE does it.

But besides engineering, there are many other areas that influence naval ship design. Such areas are depicted in green in the sketch.

So, if we imagine the need for a comprehensive approach to naval ship systems design as the central circle, we realize that there are many pieces that make up the puzzle. Our problem, as educators, is how to combine these pieces into curricula such that we serve the needs of the Navy and its officers in a practical; i.e., doable manner within time, money, and personnel constraints.

One possible solution that we have developed at NPS is through the integrated projects, where the two teams – while working on their individual areas of interest and expertise – cooperate in the areas that you see in the middle. Naturally, the faculty advisors of both teams infuse additional requirements into each separate team in order to satisfy the educational objectives of each program.